Step-by-step Illustration

In the Quick Start Example section, we have shown the simplest all-in-one command line of performing the pipeline with a wrapper script Here we go inside of the quick example to illustrate the details of iMARGI Pipeline. If you want to customize your pipeline, you can run each step separately with corresponding tools.


Schematic overview of the iMARGI data analysis pipeline

The Running Command

In the quick example section, we use the following command of, whose input are only sequencing read pairs FASTQ files and reference genome sequence FASTA file.

docker run --rm -t -u 1043 -v ~/imargi_example:/imargi zhonglab/imargi \ \
    -r hg38 \
    -N test_sample \
    -t 4 \
    -g ./ref/GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_GCA_000001405.15.fasta \
    -i ./ref/bwa_index/bwa_index_hg38 \
    -1 ./data/sample_R1.fastq.gz \
    -2 ./data/sample_R2.fastq.gz \
    -o ./output

We only set a few arguments in the command which are described below, and use default settings for other arguments.

  • -r: Name of reference genome. It will be used in header of .pairs format file and names of new generated reference files.
  • -N: Name of sample. It will be used in names of final output files.
  • -t: Maximum CPU cores.
  • -g: Reference genome sequence FASTA file.
  • -i: BWA index files.
  • -1 and -2: Sequencing read pairs FASTQ files.
  • -o: Output directory

In fact, there are more arguments of can be set, you can check the full arguments in the Command-line API section. Here we want to remind you the following three arguments of required reference files, including chromosome sizes file, bwa index and restriction fragments bed format file. Because we didn’t set these arguments in the command line, automatically generated them. If you have already got these files, you can use these arguments and it will save you some time and disk space. When the three arguments are all set correctly, the -g argument can be ignored.

  • -i: BWA index files.
  • -c: Chromosome sizes file
  • -R: Restriction fragments bed format file

The following sections are detail illustrations of how works inside of the iMARGI Docker container.

Generating Required Reference Files

As we only input reference genome sequence FASTA file with -g argument, so will automatically generate other required reference files, such as chromosome sizes, bwa index and restriction fragments.

Generating Chromosome Sizes File

Type Description/Tool Files/Key Parameters
Tool samtools faidx <ref_genome_FASTA>
Input ref genome sequence in FASTA ./ref/GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_GCA_000001405.15.fasta
Output chromosome sizes file ./ref/chrom.sizes.hg38.txt

The uses samtools faidx to generate the chromosome sizes file from reference genome sequence FASTA file. The command lines used in is:

cd ~/imargi_example/ref
samtools faidx GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_GCA_000001405.15.fasta
cat GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_GCA_000001405.15.fa.fai |awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print $1,$2}' >chrom.sizes.hg38.txt

Building BWA Index

Type Description/Tool Files/Key Parameters
Tool bwa index -p <idxbase>
Input ref genome sequence in FASTA ./ref/GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_GCA_000001405.15.fasta
Output a folder of bwa index files ./ref/bwa_index

BWA is used to map sequencing reads to reference genome, so we need to construct bwa index for reference genome first. Here is the command lines used in

cd ~/imargi_example/refmkdir
bwa index -p ./ref/bwa_index/bwa_index_hg38 ./ref/GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_GCA_000001405.15.fasta

Generating Restriction Fragment File

Type Description/Tool Files/Key Parameters
Tool - r <ref_genome_FASTA>
-c <chromSize_file>
-e <enzyme_name>
-C <cut_position>
Input ref genome sequence in FASTA ./ref/GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_GCA_000001405.15.fasta
Output restriction fragment BED file ./ref/AluI_frags.bed.gz

AluI enzyme is used to digest genome in iMARGI, whose cutting site is AG^CT. The restriction fragments are used for filtering out read pairs sequenced from non-RNA-DNA-ligation fragments. The uses tool to generate the restriction fragment bed (gzip compressed) format file. \
    -r ./ref/GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_GCA_000001405.15.fasta \
    -c ./ref/hg38.chrom.sizes \
    -e AluI \
    -C 2 \
    -o ./ref/iMARGI_AluI_rsfrags.bed.gz

Cleaning: clean read pairs

Type Description/Tool Files/Key Parameters
Tool -1 <fastq.gz_R1>
-2 <fastq.gz_R2>
-o <output_dir>
-t <threads>
Input raw paired FASTQ files ./data/sample_R1.fastq.gz
Output clean paired FASTQ files ./output/clean_fastq/clean_test_sample_R1.fastq.gz

According to the design of iMARGI sequencing library construction, there are two random nucleotides NN at the 5’ end of R1 read. It will affect mapping, so we remove those two random bases before mapping.

As the 5’ end of R2 is DNA restriction enzyme digestion site, which is AluI in iMARGI experiment (AG^CT), so the DNA end should always start with “CT”. Hence, we can use this to filter out non-ligated RNA contaminations.The tool has an option -f <filter_CT>, which can be used to filter read pairs based on the 5’ end sequence of R2 reads as -f CT. The advantage of of such hard filtering is reduce the computational cost. But the disadvantage is that it’s not flexible and causes false negative. So we don’t use the filter, and the filter based on restriction fragments is applied in parsing step within the tool.

The command of cleaning used in the is:

bash \
    -1 ./data/sample_R1.fastq.gz \
    -2 ./data/sample_R2.fastq.gz \
    -o ./output/clean_fastq/ \
    -t 16

Mapping: map reads to genome

Type Description/Tool Files/Key Parameters
Tool bwa mem -SP5M
-t <threads>
Input clean paired FASTQ files ./output/clean_fastq/clean_test_sample_R1.fastq.gz
Output BAM file ./output/bwa_output/test_sample.bam

We use bwa mem with -SP5M parameters to map cleaned read pairs to reference genome. The -SP5M options are very important, which allows split alignments. The output BAM file name is based on the -N argument of, and the name will be kept in next step.

# bwa mem mapping
bwa mem -t 16 -SP5M ./ref/bwa_index/bwa_index_GRCh38 \
    ./clean_fastq/clean_test_sample_R1.fastq.gz \
    ./clean_fastq/clean_test_sample_R2.fastq.gz |\
    samtools view -Shb -@ 7 - >./bwa_output/test_sample.bam

Parsing: parse mapped read pairs to valid RNA-DNA interactions

Type Description/Tool Files/Key Parameters
Tool -r <ref_name>
-c <chromSize_file>
-R <restrict_frags_file>
-b <bam_file>
-o <output_dir>
-t <threads>
Input BAM file .output/bwa_output/test_sample.bam
Output .pairs file ./output/final_test_sample.pairs.gz

The is a wrapper script to parse interaction pairs from BAM file, and do de-duplication and filtering, then output the final .paris file of valid RNA-DNA interaction map, and by default the intermediate files are also kept in ./output/parse_temp. There are also some arguments can be used to tweak the thresholds of parsing and filtering. You can use the default value or customize them.

  • -Q <min_mapq>: The minimal MAPQ score to consider a read as uniquely mapped. [default: 1]
  • -G <max_inter_align_gap>: Read segments that are not covered by any alignment and longer than the specified value are treated as “null” alignments. [default: 20]
  • -O offset_restriction_site: Offset allowed for restriction fragment filter. [default: 3]
  • -M <max_ligation_size>: Selected sequencing fragment size. [default: 1000]

The command of parsing used in the is: \
    -r hg38 \
    -c ./ref/hg38.chrom.sizes \
    -R ./ref/AluI_frags.bed.gz \
    -b ./output/bwa_output/test_sample.bam \
    -o ./output \
    -t 16 \
    -Q 1 \
    -G 20 \
    -O 3 \
    -M 1000 \
    -d false \
    -D $output_dir/parse_temp

The core tool used in is pairtools. Here are some brief descriptions of the usages of pairtools in our work. If you want to know more, please check the GitHub repo and documentation of pairtools.

  • pairtools parse: Parse the types of read pairs based on their mapping results. Output a .pairs file. The parameters --add-columns cigar, --no-flip, --walks-policy 5any are required for iMARGI data, don’t change it unless you know what you want to do.
  • pairtools dedup: Mark and de-duplications in the .pairs file.
  • pairtools select: Filter out those read pairs which are marked as duplications, multiple mappings and 5’ most end was not unique mapped. We used a long filter string designed for iMARGI, don’t change it.

There will be pipelineStats_xx.log file in the output directory. It reports some basic statistics of the parsing results, such as total number of read pairs, unique mapped read pairs and valid RNA-DNA interactions.

Filtering strategies

Besides of filtering out unmapped, duplicated and multiple mapped read pairs, we also use restriction fragments information for filtering out those potential un-ligated RNA or DNA fragment contaminations. We check the 5’ end of mapped read pairs R1 (RNA-end) and R2 (DNA-end), there are three cases based on the relative position of 5’ end and the nearest restriction digestion site, which are denoted as dist1 and dist2, and we have a threshold of offset:

  • dist2 > offset: R2 (DNA-end) is not sequenced from a proper restriction fragment, so the sequencing fragment might be un-ligated RNA
  • dist2 < offset & dist1 < offset: sequencing fragment might be a un-ligated DNA if the distance of R1 and R2 is less than the maximum sequencing fragment size and the strands of R1 and R2 are opposite
  • dist2 < offset & dist1 > offset: proper RNA-DNA ligation

The filtering argument used in pairtools is:

 "regex_match(pair_type, \"[UuR][UuR]\") and \
    dist2_rsite != \"!\" and \
    (abs(int(dist2_rsite)) <= "$offset") and \
    (not (chrom1 == chrom2 and \
        abs(int(dist1_rsite)) <= "$offset" and \
        strand1 != strand2 and \
        ((strand1 == \"+\" and strand2 == \"-\" and int(frag1_start) <= int(frag2_start) and \
            abs(int(frag2_end) - int(frag1_start)) <= "$max_ligation_size") or \
         (strand1 == \"-\" and strand2 == \"+\" and int(frag1_start) >= int(frag2_start) and \
            abs(int(frag1_end) - int(frag2_start)) <= "$max_ligation_size"))))"  

Although we set several filtering strategies, they still cannot filter out all ‘contaminations’. So we use genomic distance as a final filter. Filtering out those short-range interactions is better for further analysis. We provide a tool to do genomic distance filter. Please read more in the further analysis instructions.

Output Files

All The Output File List

The output files are all in the output directory ~/imargi_example/output.

The final RNA-DNA interaction map is the final_test_sample.pairs.gz file, which is in a compressed .pairs format and can be used for further analysis. There is a pipeline summary log file, pipelineStats_test_sample.log in the output directory, which reports the sequence mapping QC result (pass or failed), total processed read pairs number, BWA mapping stats and number of valid RNA-DNA interaction in the final .pairs.gz file. All other intermediate result files are also kept in several sub-folders of the output directory.

Besides, if we used the minimum input requirements, the pipeline will automatically generated several required reference files in the same directory of reference genome instead of the output directory, including chromosome sizes, bwa index and AluI digestion fragments. When processing new dataset, you can reuse these new generated reference files with corresponding arguments instead of only using -g argument, which will save you some time and disk space.

The final tree structure of the output directory is shown below.

    └── output
        ├── bwa_output
        │   ├── bwa_log_test_sample.txt
        │   └── test_sample.bam
        ├── clean_fastq
        │   ├── clean_test_sample_R1.fastq.gz
        │   └── clean_test_sample_R2.fastq.gz
        ├── parse_temp
        │   ├── dedup_test_sample.pairs.gz
        │   ├── drop_test_sample.pairs.gz
        │   ├── duplication_test_sample.pairs.gz
        │   ├── sorted_all_test_sample.pairs.gz
        │   ├── stats_dedup_test_sample.txt
        │   ├── stats_final_test_sample.txt
        │   └── unmapped_test_sample.pairs.gz
        ├── final_test_sample.pairs.gz
        └── pipelineStats_test_sample.log

The table below briefly described all the output files.

Type Example Items Directory (relative to output directory) Format Description
Cleaned FASTQ clean_test_sample_R1.fastq.gz
./clean_fastq paired clean FASTQ Output of cleaning step, the two random bases at 5' end of R1 were removed
Sequencing reads alignments test_sample.bam ./bwa_output BAM Output of bwa mapping step
BWA mapping log bwa_log_test_sample.txt ./bwa_output text BWA mapping log file
Intermediate parsing results sorted_all_test_sample.pairs.gz ./parse_temp .pairs Sorted all the parsed read pairs
Intermediate parsing results dedup_test_sample.pairs.gz ./parse_temp .pairs Parsed read pairs after deduplication
Intermediate parsing results duplication_test_sample.pairs.gz ./parse_temp .pairs Duplicated pairs
Intermediate parsing results unmapped_test_sample.pairs.gz ./parse_temp .pairs Unmapped pairs (including multiple mapping)
Intermediate parsing results drop_test_sample.pairs.gz ./parse_temp .pairs Pairs filtered out filtering step
Intermediate parsing results stats_dedup_test_sample.txt
./parse_temp text pairtools intermediate stats report
Final output final_test_sample.pairs.gz ./ .pairs Final output of valid RNA-DNA interactions
Pipeline stats log pipelineStats_test_sample.log ./ text Sequence mapping QC result and stats report

The iMARGI Pipeline Output .pairs Format

The default final output file is final_test_sample.pairs.gz which is in .pairs format. .pairs file format is designed by 4DN DCIC. You can read its specification document.

In iMARGI Pipeline, we add some more data columns to the default .pairs format files.


The data column descriptions are listed in the table below. (All the genomic coordinates in .pairs file are 1-based.) The first 7 columns are standard information, 8-18 are extra information. All these column names are reserved.

column order name datatype description
1 readID string read ID
2 chrom1 string mapping chromosome of R1 (RNA-end)
3 pos1 int 5' end mapping position of R1 (RNA-end)
4 chrom2 string mapping chromosome of R2 (DNA-end)
5 pos2 int 5' end mapping position of R2 (DNA-end)
6 strand1 +/- mapping strand of R1 (RNA-end), the actual cDNA strand is opposite
7 strand2 +/- mapping strand of R2 (DNA-end)
8 pair_type string pairtools defined pair_type
9 mapq1 int bwa MAPQ value of R1 (RNA-end) alignment
10 mapq2 int bwa MAPQ value of R2 (DNA-end) alignment
11 cigar1 string bwa cigar of R1 (RNA-end) alignment
12 cigar2 string bwa cigar of R2 (DNA-end) alignment
13 frag1_start int start position of assigned restriction fragment of R1 (RNA-end)
14 frag1_end int end position of assigned restriction fragment of R1 (RNA-end)
15 dist1_rsite int distance between 5' end mapping position of R1 and the nearest restriction digestion site position
16 frag2_start int start position of assigned restriction fragment of R2 (DNA-end)
17 frag2_end int end position of assigned restriction fragment of R2 (DNA-end)
18 dist2_rsite int distance between 5' end mapping position of R2 and the nearest restriction digestion site position

The pipeline summary log file

When the pipeline finished, it will also generate a simple pipeline summary log file, named as pipelineStats_*.log. It reports the sequencing mapping QC result at the first line. If it shows “Sequence mapping QC failed”, your data might have critical problem for further analysis. The other lines show stats number of total read pairs, non-dup unique mapping read pairs, final valid read pairs and so on.

Here we describe each line of the log file (TAB separated text file).

  • Line 1: Sequence mapping QC

    It’s the sequencing mapping QC result, which can be passed or failed). It’s concluded based on the value of line 2 and 3. Only when both values of line 2 and 3 are greater than threshold 0.5, it can be concluded as passed.

  • Line 2: (#unique_mapped_pairs + #single_side_unique_mapped)/#total_read_pairs

    Mapping rate of at least one side of read pairs uniquely mapped to genome. It can be calculated by dividing the sum of line 5 and line 6 by line 4.

  • Line 3: #total_valid_interactions/#unique_mapped_pairs

    The ratio of retained read pairs of unique mapped read pairs after de-duplication and filtering. It can be calculated by dividing line 8 by line 6.

  • Line 4: total_read_pairs

    Total number of read pairs in the FASTQ data.

  • Line 5: single_side_unique_mapped

    Number of single side unique mapped read pairs.

  • Line 6: unique_mapped_pairs

    Number of unique mapped read pairs (both two side unique mapped).

  • Line 7: non_dup_unique_mapped_paris

    Number of non-duplicated unique mapped read pairs.

  • Line 8: total_valid_interactions

    Number of final output valid read pairs (RNA-DNA interactions).

  • Line 9: inter_chr

    Number of inter-chromosomal interacted read pairs (two ends mapped to different chromosomes).

  • Line 10: intra_chr

    Number of intra-chromosomal interacted read pairs (two ends mapped to the same chromosome).

Here is the output pipelineStats_test_sample.log file in our example.

Sequence mapping QC     passed
(#unique_mapped_pairs + #single_side_unique_mapped)/#total_read_pairs   0.785859
#total_valid_interactions/#nondup_unique_mapped_pairs   0.768195
total_read_pairs        900000
single_side_unique_mapped       3342
unique_mapped_pairs     703931
nondup_unique_mapped_pairs      694706
total_valid_interactions        533670
inter_chr       244208
intra_chr       289462